Flossie's Web Pages

Home Page

flossie the sheep poetHello and welcome to my new website.

I am Flossie, a small inflatable sheep.

I live with my friends the programming pixies. They helped me make this website because I'm not very good at those sorts of things, but I'm thrilled to be getting my own web thingie and look forward to meeting lots of almost normal people, who have nothing better to do than visit the web sites of inflatable animals.

There is a picture of me to the right of this text. Some people think I'm a handsome looking sheep. I am hoping one day to make my name as a famous sheep poet. You can view some of my sheep poetry under the Poetry menu above.

This site is about sheep - well, I guess it's largely about me, but I am a sheep and I like to think of myself as an ambassador for world sheep. A great country needs its sheep. Sheep are a sign of a country's prosperity and health. A country without sheep is a country without soul, lost in a sheepless wilderness and often in very deep grass.

Sheep are a bit like trees: you can think of wool as sheep fruit. We move around a bit more than trees, of course, but like trees we are no good for eating. This is important to know, many people seem to misunderstand this and have lost their teeth as a result.

Flossie, a sheep of the people                           
flossie the sheep jumping fences